
adventures in collaging

As long as I can remember I've made collages.  When I was in junior high and high school they consisted mostly of YM (always my fave) and Seventeen magazine cut outs. (lots of lips, eyes, and Drew Barrymore with a daisy in her hair!)  I remember always having magazine scraps littering the floors of my bedroom.  Well, I guess you can say it has been a while since I've just sat down and made a collage.  One of my goals for 2012 is to make more of them.  To me, it is just kind of a mindless creative activity.  In addition to the ones I'll make just for me, I'm including a mini collage on the boxes I package my necklaces in.  I guess that is where the idea started.  I couldn't seem to find any boxes I liked, so I just masked the glossy white cardboard boxes with cut outs from and Anthropologie or Urban catalog.  I'm excited to see how this evolves!

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